Monday, September 20, 2010

Holidays are Coming - Is Your Kitchen Design Ready!

The holiday season will soon be down our chimnies and at our doors. Hospitality goes hand in hand with the festivities of the holidays. Family gatherings, dinners with the neighbor and Christmas parties are all opportunities to show family and friends some love.

In these large gatherings, or even intimate dinners, a functionally designed kitchen can make the occasion a success. If a kitchen is not properly situated to provide adequate serving area, there can be congestion or even accidents. Now is a great time to consider making some design upgrades to be ready for the holidays.

An eating or serving bar can be added to a kitchen by putting in a half-stud wall and mounting a counter bar at the top of it. An elevated bar bracket, such as the Alpine Designer Support bracket from Federal Brace, can attractively place tasty treats closer to guests' olfactory senses while enhancing the look of the kitchen as a whole. The stainless steel finish gives the kitchen a luxurious look that makes an impression.

Other possible kitchen upgrades to consider include adding an extension to a kitchen island or adding a serving shelf to an empty wall. Both of these additions assist with those large gatherings by increasing the serving space of your kitchen and dining areas. Also, when the holidays are over these become excellent places for decorative display and informal eating occasions.

Remember, when presenting design upgrades in preparation for the holiday season to give the homeowner time for ordering and installation. Ordering of counters and countertop support brackets should happen now to allow for production and shipping timeframes. You will want to make sure that your design changes get in long before the holiday rush happens!
Check our Federal Brace's Website for details on Support Brackets for your holiday design upgrades: