Friday, June 17, 2011

Where does Granite come from?

Granite is mined at thousands of quarry sites throughout the world including North America, Brazil, Turkey, India and many others including Arizona. A granite quarry may be an open area, a hillside, or an underground site. A modern quarry will likely use diamond-edge saws or water-jet technology (green friendly) to extract granite in symmetrical blocks that are processed into individual slabs for commercial and residential fabrication and installation.

For over 6,000 years the world's royalty and rulers have used granite lavishly as a beautiful, permanent, prestigious building material. Just recently over the last 25 years modern technology and market values have made granite an affordable and highly valuable investment. Granite offers unprecedented beauty, rarity, prestige and application. Commercial granite has seen a steady evolution in the past 200-year period. Today, the architectural, structural, decorative and artistic values of granite impart corporate stability, integrity, value and quality. Granite is now the #1 building material of choice in America.

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